AdvancedUC App Terms of Use

The AdvancedUC application (“the Application”) is owned and operated by Telcoinabox Operations Pty Ltd (‘TIAB’/“We”/ “our”/ “us”). By using the Application, you agree to the Privacy Policy of the Application, which is set out on this web page: AdvancedUC App Privacy Policy.

Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using AdvancedUC. By using the Application, you have accepted these Terms of Use; if you do not accept these Terms of Use, do not use the Application.

TIAB may modify all or any part of these Terms of Use from time to time without notice to you; you should check back often so you are aware of your current rights and responsibilities. Your continued use of the Application after changes to the Terms of Use have been published constitutes your acceptance of the updated Terms of Use. If at any time the Terms of Use are no longer acceptable to you, you should immediately cease all use of the Application.


Telcoinabox owns the intellectual property rights in all text, images, software, or other content available on the Application or has obtained applicable rights to such text, images, software, or other content from applicable third parties who own the content. You may not redistribute or copy any part of the Application without the prior written consent of Telcoinabox. However, Telcoinabox gives you permission to view, copy, print, and distribute material on the Application subject to the following conditions:

- You may use the material only for internal, informational, non-commercial purposes.
- You may not alter the material.
- You must include on any copy of the material (or portion thereof) our copyright notice.

We respect the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please follow our Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement below.

Trademarks and/or Servicemarks

The trademarks, logos, and service marks (the “Marks”) used on the Application are the property of Telcoinabox or other third parties.


We do not accept or consider unsolicited ideas, including ideas for new promotions, new products or technologies, processes, materials, marketing plans, or new product names. We do not want to create any misunderstandings or disputes if our products or strategies seem similar to ideas submitted to us. Please do not send your unsolicited ideas to us. If you nonetheless choose to send us your ideas or materials, we make no assurances that we will treat them as confidential or proprietary.

Content and Liability Disclaimer

We use reasonable efforts to include accurate, complete, and current information on the Application. However, we do not warrant that the content on the Application is accurate, complete, current, or free of technical or typographical errors. It is your responsibility to verify any information before relying on it.

We reserve the right to make changes and updates to any information contained within the Application without prior notice.

Access to and use of the Application and the content included in the Application is at the risk of the user. We have provided links to certain other websites solely for your convenience, and we are not responsible for the content of any other websites. You must take appropriate precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use is free of such items as viruses, worms,Trojan horses, and other items of a destructive nature.

Your Conduct

You must comply with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations when you use our Application. Any attempt by anyone to deliberately damage the Application is a violation of criminal and civil laws.

We reserve the right to seek damages from anyone doing so to the fullest extent permitted by law.

You also will not post or transmit through the Application any material or content that violates or infringes in any way the rights of others or solicits, encourages, or promotes the use of illegal substances or activities, which is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, derogatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, bigoted or hateful, profane, scandalous, pornographic, indecent or otherwise objectionable, gives rise to civil or criminal liability or otherwise violates any applicable law.

Monitoring Your Use of This Website and Your Conduct

TIAB is under no obligation to monitor the material residing on or transmitted to the Application (or any server used in connection with the Application). However, anyone using the Application agrees that we may monitor the Application (and any server used in connection with the Application) to (1) comply with any necessary laws, regulations, or other governmental requests; and (2) operate the server properly or protect ourselves and our users. We reserve the right to modify, reject, or eliminate any material residing on or transmitted to its server that it, in its sole discretion, believes is unacceptable or in violation of the law or these terms and conditions.


We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy, which may be found at AdvancedUC App Privacy Policy.

Dispute Resolutions

Any claims arising out of the use of the Application shall be resolved in a court of law in New South Wales, Australia, in accordance with the then-current rules of the court’s jurisdiction. The internal laws of the State of New South Wales (other than conflicts of law rules) and of Australia shall apply.

The court's decision and award shall be final and binding and may be entered in any court with jurisdiction. If one or more of the provisions contained in these Terms of Use is held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding will not impair the validity, legality, or enforceability of the remaining provisions.

Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement

To file a notice of infringement with us, please provide the following information to TIAB via the TIAB contact form:

1. A description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed.
2. A description of the material that you claim infringes the copyrighted work listed in item #1.
3. An address, telephone number, and an email address where the alleged infringing party can contact you.
4.The following statement: “I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.”
5. The following statement: “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorised to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.”
6. Your electronic or physical signature.

To file a counter notification with us, please provide the following information to TIABI via the TIAB contact form:

1. A description of the material that we have removed or to which we have disabled access.
2. Your name, address, telephone number, email address, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the New South Wales Court.
3. The following statement: “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the material identified above was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled.”
4. Your electronic or physical signature.

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, please contact Telcoinabox.

4 September 2024